A service for import and export of goods

Among the services supplied by Poletto Group, there are also those services such as customs and tax warehouse which are fundamental for the national and international expansion of your activity trades, as they guarantee an optimal management of customs duties.

With regard to import and export of goods, Poletto Group will then intervene as:

  • a consultant for its customers, searching for the best solutions for them, starting from a preliminary business analysis;
  • an organizer for the internal flow of products, getting specific areas involved in the process, with advantages for the customer.

These activities support your business and are efficient also because the real time supervision and update coming from customs agencies, which shortens the document management for imports and exports to and from countries outside the EU.

Managing returns, easier and more efficient

Returns management is one of the strong points of Poletto Group’s logistics.

Despite it being one of the most delicate activities, Poletto Group can guarantee a quick reintroduction in the market of your goods, thanks to a careful and punctual management of reverse logistics.

Defining flows, verifying the quality control and re-packing, are just some of the accessory activities at the base of this process, which is helpful for the growth of your activity.

Solutions all along the supply chain

Poletto Group can respond to all of its customers’ needs with tailor-made solutions and high value-added services, thanks to its large logistics hub.

Offering personalized solutions for logistics, all along the supply chain, makes Poletto Group the perfect partner to penetrate the market with, thanks to its year-long experience, which includes the knowledge of various market sectors and the support of high quality standard assets.

Poletto Group’s inbound logistics

Poletto Group is also an ideal partner in the provision of a wide variety of tailor-made inbound logistics services.
Bringing goods to your warehouse, supplying material for your productions, supporting you with your customs practices or allocating storage spaces are just some of the services that Poletto Group can provide to its customers as a specialized partner in logistics management.