
This imprint was last updated on June 13, 2024.

The owner of this website is:

Poletto Transport Group SRL dell’Industria 1st Street, 17
30032 Fiesso D’Artico (VE)
Email: [email protected]
Phone number: +39 0499800566
P. VAT: IT02116930278

Legal representative(s) of Gruppo Poletto Trasporti, SRL:
Marco Favaretto

  1. General
    We are not willing or obligated to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration committee.
  2. The following information is mandatory under German law.
    2.1 The company’s ownership shares (share capital) issued by the company: € 100.000,00
  3. Additional information
    Any inquiries should be addressed:
    via email, to [email protected] or via mail, to Elisa Sartore, Poletto Group, dell’Industria 1st Street, 17, 30032 Fiesso D’Artico (VE) Italy.